the  festival

The Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival is held along the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida in Fort Walton Beach. Named after legendary pirate William Augustus Bowles (aka Billy Bowlegs), this family-friendly, pirate themed celebration is in its 69th year. The festival features the Pre-Invasion on Thursday night, a Pirate Skirmish between the Krewe of Bowlegs and the mayor of Fort Walton Beach on Friday night, the Pirate Landing when Captain Billy Bowlegs and his Krewe attempt to capture the city and mayor on Saturday afternoon, and the celebratory Torchlight Parade on Monday night. Other festivities include the highly popular treasure hunt, a fireworks show, live music, an arts and crafts festival, and delicious food and beverages.

Join us for a swashbuckling good time!

Woman dressed as a queen posing with a young boy in a pirate hat



May 15

Policeman holding arm of man dressed as a pirate captain



May 16

People dressed as pirates holding swords together in the air

Pirate Invasion


May 17

Man dressed as a pirate captain and a boy dressed as a pirate, both smiling on a float

Torchlight Parade


May 19



Thursday May 15, 2025

Downtown Fort Walton Beach
South end of Ferry Rd SE, near Hwy 98, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Captain Billy Bowlegs and his Krewe arrive aboard their pirate ship parade float, the Blackhawk. They'll be on hand approximately two hours greeting children, taking photos and handing out treasure.

Two men dressed as pirates posing with three young girls wearing eye patches and pirate hats on a 
            pirate ship float
Photo by Devon Ravine


Friday May 16, 2025

Fort Walton Beach Landing
131 Brooks St SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

  • 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm — Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival at the Landing
  • 5:00 pm — Vendor Booths & Food Trucks Open
  • 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm — City of Fort Walton Beach Concerts at the Landing
  • Captain Billy Bowlegs and Scouting Party Land / Skirmish
  • Fireworks Show

Captain Billy and some of his Krewe arrive by water at Fort Walton Beach Landing to scout the city prior to their invasion on Saturday. The mayor of Fort Walton Beach and his forces are prepared and they've threatened to arrest Captain Billy if he lands, resulting in a skirmish. There will also be food and beverage vendors, an arts and crafts festival, and live music. The evening will end with a fireworks show over Santa Rosa Sound.

Men and women in pirate costumes walking, waving and carrying flags
Photo by Devon Ravine

Pirate Invasion

Saturday May 17, 2025

Fort Walton Beach Landing
131 Brooks St SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

  • 10:00 am – 6:00 pm — Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival at the Landing
  • 10:00 am — Vendor Booths & Food Trucks Open
  • 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm — Live Music on the Main Stage:
    1:00 pm – 3:00 pm — The Friskeys
    4:00 pm – 6:00 pm — Duchess
  • 3:00 pm — 69th Krewe of Bowlegs Pirate Landing
  • 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm — Pirate Celebration

Captain Billy Bowlegs returns and comes ashore at Fort Walton Beach Landing with the entire Krewe of Bowlegs, as well as allies from visiting Krewes across the country. The mayor will try everything to stop him, but Captain Billy will prevail and take over the city of Fort Walton Beach again! The pirates and wenches will be full of merriment and mischief as they greet the citizens of Captain Billy's newly captured city and hand out treasures. Festivities at the Landing throughout the day include live music and an arts and crafts festival, along with food, beverages and other vendor booths.

Men and women in pirate costumes walking and waving swords

Man dressed as a pirate captain holding beads and interacting with a large crowd of people
Photos by Devon Ravine

Torchlight Parade

Monday May 19, 2025

Downtown Fort Walton Beach
Eglin Pkwy from First St to Hughes St, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

The Torchlight Parade concludes the festival. Captain Billy and the entire Krewe of Bowlegs will be aboard their five floats and anchor the parade to celebrate Captain Billy Bowleg's 69th annual capture of Fort Walton Beach! As they make their way up Eglin Parkway from First Street to Hughes Street in downtown Fort Walton Beach, they'll be sharing their loot with those cheering them on.

Parade float with people dressed as pirates onboard and walking throwing beads in a parade at night
Photo by Devon Ravine

treasure hunt

Captain Billy will hide Bowlegs coins around the city of Fort Walton Beach and citizens will have a chance to go on a treasure hunt to find them. Check back here for information on when the Treasure Hunt will begin and how to let us know if you find a treasure coin.

Front of KOB 68 Bowlegs Treasure Hunt Coin
Back of KOB 68 Bowlegs Treasure Hunt Coin

our 2025 partners and sponsors

WAB Foundation Logo

The Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival is organized by the William Augustus Bowles Museum & Historical Foundation, and is produced in partnership with the City of Fort Walton Beach, the Krewe of Bowlegs, and the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce.

title sponsor:

Felicity Plastic Surgery Logo